In 2011, I typeset the second edition of Aiki Waza Michi Shirube (Aikido Practice is a Signpost to the Way): Selected Essays on Aikido and Nonviolent Interaction by Donald N. Levine. To me, he was Don Sensei. He was my aikido teacher at the University at Chicago for several years, and for much of that time, I was his personal assistant.
One of my projects for him was to format this collection of his essays about aikido. I was diligently open source back then, so I thought it would be a good opportunity to learn LaTeX. Although I completed the artifact, I can't say that I retained any of what I learned. Looking at the source code today, I couldn't tell you how to read any of it.
I have a lot more to write about aikido and my relationship with Don Sensei, but that'll have to come later. Working on this document together resulted in a significant fracture in our relationship that never healed before his death in 2015. Dr. Levine was an impressive man and I learned a lot from him. You can learn more about his work by visiting Donald N. Levine's personal website.
Download a PDF copy of Aiki Waza Michi Shirube.