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I LOVE GERBILTEES.BIZ. Some people call me the gerbil lady! My 87 gerbils and I just Love love LOVE our gerbil tees. - "When I was in first grade, we had gerbils as a class pet. They
ran around in their glass aquarium while we learned how to read and
taught us about responsibility. We all took turns feeding them, taking
them home on weekends, and cleaning their house. We brought them the
paper tubes from toilet paper and paper towel rolls to chew on to keep
their teeth healthy. There was a boy gerbil and a girl gerbil and they
were in love and magically one day there was a little nest full of tiny
pink baby gerbils. This was a revelation. We all spent hours watching
them squirm around and nuzzle together and it was adorable. To celebrate
this miracle of life, we decided to give Mr. and Mrs. Gerbil a special
gift: an extra awesome giant paper tube, from the middle of a roll of
drawing paper! They would work on it forever! Their teeth would be so
happy! It would bring them closer together as a family! We placed the
tube in their home and they were very grateful. We came to school the
next morning, eager to see what they had done with the tube overnight.
Our mistake was revealed. The tube rolled over onto the babies. I wear
my gerbiltee.biz gerbil tee in their honor every day. Thanks
gerbiltee.biz for allowing me a physical manifestation of the grief I
still feel a little big every time I think about it. Goodnight sweet
tiny pink baby gerbils, and angels sing you sweetly to your rest." Due to a legal misunderstanding, our family had to move to a
different state when my girls, Brianna and Katelynn, were in the 3rd and
2nd grades. Of course, everyone at their new school were totally into
gerbils! So imagine my dismay when we went to our local Petco and found
that Brianna was allergic to gerbils! My darlings had already been
bullied and teased relentlessly to that point for not having gerbils! We
were at our wits end!! Fn Fact: Grbl T rly wrk s !!! 10 0% sfactin grntd QUALITY M RCHANDISE !!! As a designer who runs a small boutique in Bellevue, I just want to say what a pleasant surprise it was to find a bulk supplier that keeps on top of the latest gerbil trends. These days, I can read about a hot new style in the trades and have fifty garments in my shop the next week - no holes or shoddy work on the seams. 1 out of 5 stars. After the widely-publicized debacle that was
gerbil-shirts.co.jp, I had been skeptical that anyone could provide
adequate, let alone high-quality, gerbil-related wearable merchandise at
an affordable price. I have been in the Army for 8 years, and wearing gerbiltees for five of them. That's right, I was on the ground floor of this endeavor early on. I can honestly say they are the best made and toughest articles of clothing I have ever worn. I have the same shirts that have survived multiple combat tours in Afghanistan. Having risen to the rank of Sergeant First Class, I also strongly recommend that the soldiers in my company buy a couple before we ship out. I've worn enough MILSPEC clothing to cover an Abrams and these shirts are the best. Buy one for yourself and for those you love. I swear by them. I am not embarrassed to admit that I have enormous fingers. I am
seeking alternative therapy treatment for the condition but in the
meantime, I face the difficult task of how to keep my hands warm in the
winter, since ordinary gloves do not fit me. I have tried wrapping
t-shirts around my hands but this unfortunately leads to a startling
decline in dexterity.
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