Nick Cassleman - Illustrations for UChicago Web Services
My first web job was with Web Services at the University of Chicago. I ended up doing a bunch of other tasks for them, including the occasional art project. After I left, my friends from work they gave me a drawing tablet as a going-away present.
I had already drawn a few illustrations for their blog, and after I moved to Brooklyn, I continued drawing for them with my new tablet.
Each illustration relates to the content of the article. For each, I've included a link to the article and a little description of my thought process.
Economic forecasting is about as predictable as the weather
2015 UChicago App Challenge. Web Services ran a fancy "app challenge" to get folks to build phone apps. The winner that year was Open Macro which was about economic forecasting. The global weather map in the illustration is based on data I got from DarkSky!
Presenting guts: Content of the human body
Content Strategy: An Overview. I don't quite remember the reasoning for this one. Content = substance = guts? Or maybe I was making a poop joke.
How we can help researchers with data. The article talks about a workshop that helped researchers get data. You bet your dollar I captured those researchers collecting all kinds of data about their consumers.
Just talking to a therapist about my award-winning website
Mainstream browsers paint together at team-building event
What to Expect from HTML Email. Okay I thought this one was clever. We have some of HTMeLves building a web page and then four different browsers trying to paint it. If you look close, they're each a little different. I came up with MailShrimp way before Serial did "Mailkimp."
Business Rat knows how to speak PowerPoint
Refactoring Conditional Logic. Complicated conditional logic is like a maze. Rats love mazes. This one is presenting at AMAZE Conf. Get it?!
"Entitled human; this is a safe space for robots exclusively"
If you're a lonely human looking for cold hard love, I have the place for you. New York's hottest club is Overclock'd. This place has everything: exposed antennae, nostalgic dial-up sounds remixed, and enough WD-40 to make your wildest dreams come true.
When and why to use robots.txt files. The article was about robots.txt so I got my brother Bren to sketch a few robot concepts that I incorporated into this illustration. Imagine how terrifying it would be to be a human spy in a robot club.
The Trojan horse was an ancient clown car filled with murderous warriors
Web Application Security: As Important as it Ever Was. This article is about web security, so I made a little illustration of the Trojan Horse being delivered. Don't open suspicious attachments! They might be filled with flesh-eating bugs!
Even Santa is a slave to marketing trends
SEO: Tactics to Avoid. Normally SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization but here it's Santa Engine Optimzer. I think SEO has contributed to a decline in the web, so maybe this should feature Krampus instead. In my search engine, websites with lolcats would get higher rankings.
My dear friend and coworker Gabe McElwain wrote this article! He designed a flag for a lunar colony that I've worn as a patch on my backpack since 2014. We used to share orange slices with each other at work.
God sees your inaccessible code :(
I'm not sure we they ever published the article I draw this picture for. I can't find it anyway. It was about accessibility. I drew a special machine that eats websites and spits out long reports about their accessibility.